Cuddling and clutching

I enjoyed an incredibly relaxing vacation in Phoenix, Arizona, last week, and I left the other Whomptons at home. Sam and Eric were quite generous in running the house, dog, and Raina while I was away. From all accounts, Raina was mostly undone by my absence. She never articulated "I miss Mommy" but did ask where I was a number of times. Also, she refused to go to sleep any night -- sometimes being up 2+ hours after her bedtime -- and one evening she continuously cuddled with Eric in the cuddle chair for at least 20 minutes. She doesn't last 1 minute with me anymore. Something was seriously wrong.

At some point, Eric told Raina that, on Saturday, two important things would happen: 1. they'd build a crazy involved fort and 2. I would come home from Arizona. Raina knows where Arizona is, and she would frequently point to the map and say "mommy in A-zona."

They picked me up from the airport, but Raina was sleeping in the car. She didn't see me until we were unloading the car, where I miraculously appeared in the garage. (She still thinks I just magically showed up in the garage.) For the remainder of the day, she cuddled in my lap, held my hand, leaned her head against me, grabbed my leg for an impromptu hug, repeated "you came back!" and "you were in the garage", and ran around with an insane zeal. She was an incredibly happy kid.

That night, she easily went to bed, she slept in the next morning, and then took a 3.5 hours nap the next day. And we had to forcibly remove her from bed Monday morning. I think she's trying to catch up from her lack of sleep last week.

On Sunday, Eric and I discussed taking more trips: Cincinnati, Indianapolis, and an adult trip to an as-yet-to-be-determined location. Each time, Raina volunteered "I come too!" and, if that wasn't well received, she plaintively said "you stay here, Mommy."

It may be a while before she recovers and trusts that I'm here in St. Louis for the long haul.


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