Spring Photos

It's been quite a while since we updated the Raina blog. Admittedly, Krystal has tried twice since then, but each time blogger deleted the post and it has not been worth our while to recreate it. Spring brings far too many other fun things to do besides sit in front of a computer!!!

Here's a visual recapping of the end of March:

Raina fell asleep on Eric -- something that rarely if ever happens anymore because 1) Raina does not nap and 2) Raina certainly doesn't nap on a parent! But we were watching Ratouille, a remarkably boring film, and it put Raina straight to sleep. This is how grumpy she looks when waking up.
Raina always supervises any cooking job in the kitchen. Just yesterday she helped wash the spinach and snap asparagus. Here she's scrubbing potatoes to make them bright and shiny.
This is how Raina looks when she desperately wants to nap but people keep telling her no.
Raina's daycare had a "spring party" (really an Easter party) with lots of eggs, balloons, and sugary snacks. Raina had her 1st, and then 2nd and 3rd, peep on that day. Thankfully she passed up the cupcakes.


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