Papa Bill is Silly!

Raina goes on many field trips with her school, and Samantha and Krystal went as "parent chaperones and drivers" on today's trip to Powder Valley Conservation Center. The field trip involved insects -- not Raina's favorite thing -- but it was rather fascinating and fun. What was most enjoyable was listening to Raina and Maddie talk in the car. Maddie giggled continuously during the drive and proclaimed everything a "silly goose." Maddie called Raina silly, and Raina protested, claiming "Papa Bill is silly!" Maddie agreed with Raina, and echoed that Papa Bill was silly. Samantha and I had to laugh: had Raina had this conversation before with her? Or does it just seem likely that someone called Papa Bill would be silly? Or is everyone silly in Maddie's world? I don't know, but it's clear that Papa Bill's silly reputation is spreading.


Emelye said…
Hee! Remember the endless booming repetitions of "Hail to the Chief" during Christmas? Atticus will definitely be on the PapaBillIsSilly train when he gets old enough, I reckon.

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