Raina's new hair cut
Raina has lovely, long hair, full of body and curls and shine. Unfortunately, Raina's hair also is a big tangled mess, and she hates having it brushed. Actually, it's impossible to brush it now because of all the tangled mats. Krystal had the same problem when she was Raina's age (and Krystal still has the mental and emotional scars from that time period). At a certain point, Krystal's mom gave up and had all the hair chopped off to eliminate the problem. We shared this story with Raina, who seemed to buy into the idea. So, after much convincing, we decided to go get her hair cut at Great Clips.
She was a little nervous, but fortunately she had a mommy and a mama cow to cuddle with:
We waited a long time for her name to be called. We described the process, decided what type of haircut to get, and then waited some more. Finally it was Raina's turn. She met Sophia (her stylist), sat in a booster on the cutting chair, got a special kid-oriented cape, and got situated for the big event.
This is the before shot of Raina. Again, check out how long and lovely her hair is.
Sophia was concerned about all the tangles; she was certain that no amount of de-tangler was going to make the process work. Krystal assured her that cutting out all the tangles was the goal here, so she urged Sophia to keep cutting until they were all gone. Sophia did a dry cut, which took off about 6-7 inches. Then she sprayed Raina's hair with water and de-tangler and conditioner and got to work.
Raina had chosen a hairstyle somewhat similar to Samantha's: a uniform length around, no layers, no bangs, but maybe a little flip at the ends for fun. (Actually, Raina pointed to a picture on the wall and said "that one." In hindsight, we realized that she just pointed to the picture of a female, instead of the male picture next to it.) So Raina got her hair cut and blow-dried and styled.
All in all, Raina was a real trouper, and her hair looked great in the end. She even got a little certificate proclaiming her very first hair cut. She looks very different -- much more grown up, we think -- and she's received many compliments. She was quite proud of herself, and we were amazed at how bravely she faced the situation even though she was nervous about it. And the postnote: she had no tangles to brush out after her bath tonight, woohoo!
She was a little nervous, but fortunately she had a mommy and a mama cow to cuddle with: