Whining and Tantrums
Ages ago, about four weeks to be exact, Raina was in daycare full time, and her parents and auntie really only interacted with her during the happy early mornings and the glorious few hours in the evenings. Weekends were jam-packed with activities: going to the Y, the farmers' market, three grocery stores, the big kids' playground, and whatever else we thought up.
Then Krystal went on summer break and Raina and Mommy started spending ALL their time together. It has been slightly rocky. Mornings are fine: we go to the Y nursery, the library, swimming, and then have lunch. It's all the post-lunch time that drives me insane, because that's when Raina should be napping. Instead, though, she prefers to throw tantrums over small things (like not having enough water in her cup), and this results in lots of screaming and crying. I don't stomach it well and I don't like my daughter being reduced to such a state. Unfortunately for all of us, I refuse to give in to these tactics, so we're all rather miserable for a while. After screaming and crying for about 10 minutes, Raina gives up and moves on to a new thing, usually something happy. But on those days where Raina screams for over an hour straight, I'm happyto relinquish all authority and responsibility to Eric and I say "she's your child for the rest of the night."
Raina goes to daycare each Thursday, and we never have issues on Thursday night. But, oh, on Wednesdays ....
Then Krystal went on summer break and Raina and Mommy started spending ALL their time together. It has been slightly rocky. Mornings are fine: we go to the Y nursery, the library, swimming, and then have lunch. It's all the post-lunch time that drives me insane, because that's when Raina should be napping. Instead, though, she prefers to throw tantrums over small things (like not having enough water in her cup), and this results in lots of screaming and crying. I don't stomach it well and I don't like my daughter being reduced to such a state. Unfortunately for all of us, I refuse to give in to these tactics, so we're all rather miserable for a while. After screaming and crying for about 10 minutes, Raina gives up and moves on to a new thing, usually something happy. But on those days where Raina screams for over an hour straight, I'm happyto relinquish all authority and responsibility to Eric and I say "she's your child for the rest of the night."
Raina goes to daycare each Thursday, and we never have issues on Thursday night. But, oh, on Wednesdays ....