Summer Photos
We upgraded our digital camera's memory card and now we hardly ever have to move pictures off of the camera. As a result, we go months without uploading pictures to the blog. Sorry! We'll try to rectify here.
Eric and Raina are cuddling and showing off semi-matching hats.
Raina at the big kids playground -- she loves to swing, and is getting better at doing it herself. She obviously prefers being pushed by an adult though!
When Raina was much younger and teething, she constantly sucked on her lower lip. She gave herself a rash from all the concentrated saliva! This summer, Raina reverted back to this, and, although she makes cute faces when she does it, the rash was returning. We finally convinced her to quit.
She looks incredibly like Hannah in this picture. So precious.
Raina and Eric proudly display their Kung Fu Panda tickets. I think Raina loved her ticket much more than the movie experience itself.