Raina and baby toys
We have been prepping some for Kid 2's arrival: we talk about the baby with Raina, we're deliberating names, we convinced Raina that she wanted to switch bedrooms, and we evaluated our toy status. Raina's favorite toy when she was very young was a little baby gym, complete with dangling things that she could grab and kick. She spent a lot of time playing there, but we gave it away (or returned it to its original owner, I don't exactly remember) and now, with Kid 2, we are lacking the best toy for her. I researched online and discovered that I could buy another one for $60 -- not exactly desirable, because we don't even buy ourselves toys for $60 -- so I have perused craigslist diligently for the last few days hoping to find it. Not as many people are willing to get rid of these, or they go very quickly once posted. But I finally found one, almost identical to Raina's although slightly better, and I grabbed it for a cool $15. Hooray!
The great and funny thing is that Raina has been playing with the baby gym continuously for the last two days. She wanted to find all her old baby toys and equip it, and she has stationed her lovies with it at various points so they could play too. We also acquired a baby sling, which Raina has enjoyed practicing with by carrying her baby doll around the house.
The great and funny thing is that Raina has been playing with the baby gym continuously for the last two days. She wanted to find all her old baby toys and equip it, and she has stationed her lovies with it at various points so they could play too. We also acquired a baby sling, which Raina has enjoyed practicing with by carrying her baby doll around the house.