Tooth Trials and Tribulations

It's official, the tooth fairy came to the Whompton house last week. Raina had a wiggly tooth for a few months now, and then she brushed, and brushed, and brushed until it fell out Wednesday morning. (There was a LOT of toothpaste in the bathroom sink that day.) She was so excited that the tooth fairy would come that night, and she had all sorts of questions:
- How does the tooth fairy know that I lost my tooth?
- How will she get in the house?
- Do I have to put the tooth under my pillow? Will she reach under my pillow? Can I put it on the table instead?

In the end, she put her tooth inside of a plastic baggie (with her name and the date on it, so the tooth fair wouldn't be confused) and placed it on the dinosaur table in her room. She checked on it again before she went to sleep and anxiously awaited the next morning when her tooth would be gone and something special would be in its place.

Eric and I had decided not to give money, but instead to give little gifts. Luckily, we had ordered Raina a recorder instrument from Amazon and it was supposed to be delivered that day. Score! Unfortunately, it never arrived so we were somewhat scambling that night to find another suitable gift. We finally remembered that we had a punching balloon in the basement, which would be a good match. All we had to do was wait for her to be asleep and do the swap ...

Well, as parents, we suck. Raina came into our bedroom at 12:15 a.m. because she had woken up and noticed that the tooth fairy had not yet come and she was worried that the tooth fairy had forgotten about her. I assured her that everything was okay, that the tooth fairy still had plenty of time before morning, I tucked Raina back in bed, and silently cursed over and over again.

There was no way that Raina was going back to sleep, so Eric and I devised a plan. He claimed that he had heard a sound, and asked Raina to go with him as they searched the house for the tooth fairy. After he had extracted her from the room, I snuck in and did the swap. Raina was thrilled that the tooth fairy finally came and she was so wired that she didn't get back to sleep until 3 a.m.

Her smile is really funny now, with a gaping hole in the bottom, but soon she'll have a new tooth to replace it. She has three other wiggly teeth right now and she spends time each day poking at her tooth hole and forcibly wiggling her other teeth. Yuck.

Lola has had tooth tribulations too. She's cutting four more top teeth: two molars and the incisors. It causes her huge pain and she cannot find the right thing to shove in her mouth to make the situation better. I often push on or rub her gums in that area, which is fine and helps her. Unfortunately she has bottom teeth in that spot, so when she chomps down to make my help more effective, I yelp in pain and yank out my fingers. She has bruised the area around my fingernails multiple times. Two teeth are poking through now, and the other two are visible; I hope they make significant progress soon. Maybe Lola will have 14 teeth by her 1st birthday!


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