Let's play "Lola Says..."
Lola is communicating more clearly now. She faithfully uses the hand signs for "all done" and "pick me up!" and "no!" and she vocalizes book, here go (means here you go, please take this), uh oh, Dada, Mama, nana (for banana), done, and go. The funniest, though, is her way to communicate she's hungry. She walks into the kitchen, reaches into the pantry shelves, and extracts her choice from the options. Sometimes it's wheat thins or triscuits, but most often Lola grabs a box of cereal, hauls it into the living room, and then ceremoniously dumps it into an adult's lap. Her specificity is hilarious, as is seeing our little girl toddle around with a box of cereal that is half her height. She alternates between Barbara's Oat Squares and Trader Joe's High Fiber Organic O's. One day soon, she'll realize that she can open the box herself and she'll eliminate the middle man.