Lola's Expanding Vocabulary
The Whomptons and Strictly Pediatrics steadily have worked with Lola in 1) increasing her vocabulary and 2) making her use her words to communicate meaning. Today we were asked to guess how many words she knew. We guessed 50-100 and I mentally started listing them while rocking Lola to sleep tonight. Here's her speaking vocabulary thus far:
mama, daddy, Raina, baby, dog, cat, kitty, my, moo, cluck, cock-a-doo, hoot, owl, neigh, pony, duck, bird, fish, frog, shark, bear, bunny, turn, chair, dino, cracker, cook (cookie), gum (gummi), milk, water, cup, uh-oh, cheese, apple, banana, car, bus, choo-choo, choo (also what she calls a plane, although she points to the sky for this one), chalk, bubble, boat, bike, walk, run, jump, rock (she understands and uses both the verb and noun meanings), ball, girl, book, help, up, down, open, close, crayon, shirt, sock, shoe, jacket (it doesn't sound like jacket, but it is what she means), diaper, pee, poop, wet, keys, I, bite, one, two, blue, yellow, block, "Good call Bob" (she actually says this phrase, which is hysterical), tickle, belly, mine, head, eyes, ear, nose, tongue, foot, feet, toe, where, go, boo!, zoo, dust, Elmo, and dunno (which she says when she doesn't know).
We're still waiting on the word Samantha or some adaptation of it.
Daycare was right. The more words she has in her arsenal, the less likely she is to use her teeth as her communication mechanism. Her biting is down significantly, hooray!
mama, daddy, Raina, baby, dog, cat, kitty, my, moo, cluck, cock-a-doo, hoot, owl, neigh, pony, duck, bird, fish, frog, shark, bear, bunny, turn, chair, dino, cracker, cook (cookie), gum (gummi), milk, water, cup, uh-oh, cheese, apple, banana, car, bus, choo-choo, choo (also what she calls a plane, although she points to the sky for this one), chalk, bubble, boat, bike, walk, run, jump, rock (she understands and uses both the verb and noun meanings), ball, girl, book, help, up, down, open, close, crayon, shirt, sock, shoe, jacket (it doesn't sound like jacket, but it is what she means), diaper, pee, poop, wet, keys, I, bite, one, two, blue, yellow, block, "Good call Bob" (she actually says this phrase, which is hysterical), tickle, belly, mine, head, eyes, ear, nose, tongue, foot, feet, toe, where, go, boo!, zoo, dust, Elmo, and dunno (which she says when she doesn't know).
We're still waiting on the word Samantha or some adaptation of it.
Daycare was right. The more words she has in her arsenal, the less likely she is to use her teeth as her communication mechanism. Her biting is down significantly, hooray!