The Legendary Compton Appetite

Raina switched daycares when she was 1 year old (roughly Lola's age now). She would come home from the new daycare and just eat and eat and eat ridiculous amounts of food starting at 4:30 p.m. We were certain that the new daycare wasn't feeding her enough so one day we talked with the workers about the "more" hand sign and how Raina would indicate she was still hungry. Imagine our surprise when the workers responded "we give her three adult sized helpings at each meal!" They, of course, thought that we weren't feeding Raina at home when, in actuality, she was consuming 2 breakfasts, 2 snacks, and 2 massive main meals each day.

During winter break, Samantha, Raina and I ordered an extra-large Papa John's pizza. Raina proclaimed, "I'm 4, so I'm going to eat 4 pieces!" We laughed, and then were horrified when she actually consumed 4 pieces and asked for more.

Lola recently has shown her voracious appetite as well. On Sunday, she ate 2 breakfasts and then came grubbing at 9:30 a.m. for a snack. I made her 3 eggs, fully expecting that she'd eat a little bit and the rest would be her lunch. But no. She consumed all three eggs, plus 1/2 can of peaches, plus 1/2 cup of cheerios, plus 1/2 cup milk FOR HER SNACK! Tonight for dinner, she had EIGHT child servings of Tex-Mex Casserole, while Raina ate 3 adult sized servings. (I ate 1 serving.) The lesson here is simple: the Compton kids can eat!

We shouldn't have been surprised. Eric and his WashU comrades caused a Fazoli's to create a 15 breadstick limit for Eric and company instead of their "unlimited breadsticks" marketing campaign. Yes, Eric did eat his full meal plus 21 Fazoli's breadsticks in one sitting. He also holds the MBA record of 13 Cracker Barrel biscuits + consuming the full meal in one sitting. Also, during college, he frequently ate dinner with a chaser of a full pint of Ben and Jerry's. (Sadly enough, Eric was a wrestler who couldn't gain or lose weight, no matter how hard he tried.)

Needless to say, we spend a lot of money on food.


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