Rosy Red

Lola's cheeks occasionally get bright red, like she is overheated or feverish, although she is neither. The fire-red cheeks last for about a day and then her skin returns to its very pale complexion. For a while we worried that she had the beginnings of rosacea (illogical, but we had no better guess) or that she was coming down with a terrible illness. Then we finally figured it out. I'm too much of a scientist to claim causation, but there is a definite correlative relationship:

Lola's cheeks turn red as a warning sign that she will cut a tooth in the next day or so.

I asked a doctor friend whether she'd ever heard of this in other kids and she gave me the "um, you're crazy but I'll conjecture ..." look. But Lola's cheeks suddenly turned red when we were having lunch together on Sunday and, sure enough, she cut tooth #15 Monday night.

I wonder if this pattern will continue when she gets her adult teeth.


Tina said…
i did not look at you like you were crazy... ;)

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