Lola this Fall

Lola aspired to eat this triple-decker sandwich.  We pulled out a bib -- the first one in over a year.  It was merited!

Headed to the Big Kids Playground in August.  I'm sure it was 90 degrees outside, at least.  Lola was told to get her hat and she chose the one that matched her shirt.  Admittedly, she's adorable in it.

Lola rides her Big Wheel while Raina cavorts around on her bike.  Check out the active chalking as well; Lola chalks the path, driveway, garage, house, windows, and doors. 

She looks all grown up here.

Lola's in upside-down town.  Photo courtesy of Raina.

Pretending to be Raina.  She grabbed Raina's backpack and got ready for school.

It's winter and our house is back to its icebox state; therefore, footed sleepers are back!  Lola has a collection of piggy sleepy-sacks.  This one has flying piggies galore.


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