
Showing posts from 2008

Raina meets Santa

Raina and baby toys

Developmental Milestones

Winter Holidays and Consumerism Galore

Thanksgiving Stories

what makes Raina happy.


New School, New Life

A Day of Celebration

Beach photos

Summer Photos

Imaginative play

Changing schools

Raina writes her first letter!

Raina art

Princess books

Belly vignettes

Big Sister Announcement

Show and Tell & a Nicholas Story


Calling Roxanne on the Phone

I’m three, I get to go to the beach!

Broadway Baby

Cognitive Development

Raina goes to the movies

Our big girl grows up some more.

Raina hates bugs -- especially the stomach ones!

Raina likes to exercise!

Best Friends

Gavin returns!

Whining and Tantrums

Raina's Sibling(s)

Nicholas stories

Father's Day

John and Cindy's Wedding

Cardinal Nation

The Big Fat Catholic Wedding


Cute responses


Yay for mornings!


Spring Photos


Baby Cow

Cuddling and clutching

A tough week for getting to bed

Reports from Nashville